
Welcome to Creating Experiential Spaces Coaching

We provide nature-based mental health coaching services to help you live a more fulfilling and balanced life. Our team of experienced coaches is dedicated to helping you achieve your personal and professional goals while supporting your mental health and wellness.

We are always seeking amazing opportunities to incorporate into your experience.

At Creating Experiential Spaces Coaching, we believe mental health is essential to living a happy and fulfilling life. And we believe that nature is one of the best places for that to happen. Our coaching services are designed to help you identify and address mental health concerns while providing the tools and resources to manage stress, anxiety, and other mental health issues

All of our coaching services are highly individualized and customizable.

We work with our clients, families, and referring partners to cater the experience to the needs of each individual. We have two general mentoring options available, but can always add more if needed. We have a licensed mental health professional on our team that help run our parent seminars, and are available for assessments and consultation for clients with more complex or emergent needs. We also work with a client’s local therapist and support team as needed.

Individual Coaching

This option is ideal for individuals who are seeking individual mentoring, some parent support, or remote mentoring with virtual support.

  • Weekly individual face-to-face sessions (virtual option available)

  • Group workshops with peer to peer mentoring involving experiential education and peer feedback.

  • Monthly parent check-in call with mentor.

  • Monthly parent seminar.

  • Mentor availability for urgent matters.

Adventure Coaching

This option includes all the same mentoring elements but includes adventure programming for individuals and families seeking community and connection with peers their age and an added dynamic aspect to learning and growing. Current research shows combining learning with adventure programming greatly increases a person’s ability to retain information and use it effectively in the future. We hope all clients are able to consider this option.

  • Individuals not living in a local area of operation are welcome to travel in for activities either monthly or quarterly.

  • Monthly adventure activities with Creating Experiential Spaces community. Activities may be half day or whole day depending on the activity.

  • Weekly individual face-to-face sessions (virtual option available).

  • Group workshops with peer to peer mentoring involving experiential education and peer feedback.

  • Mentor collaboration with other support team members. Monthly parent check-in call with mentor.



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