
Jessica Jo Stenquist | Founder, CEO, Intensive Therapist

Having worked as a clinician in every level of care over the last seventeen years, Jessica Jo is familiar with the experience of navigating what resources are available along the mental health journey. Having a foundation in Therapeutic Recreation, her heart is in anything that allows for Experiential Therapy to be utilized while focusing on equine and wilderness therapy modalities specifically. Thus, the model that she developed emphasizes those things within the spaces and methods used.

Her focus on Developmental Attachment models and Trauma work has led her to in-depth trainings in both topics. Both of these hard hitting topics often are at the core of her work with individuals who have been deemed "treatment resistant."

She has a great desire to bring her years working in intensive settings to a space that can provide preventative work and impact vulnerable communities, especially those interacting with the foster care system.

All her life Jessica Jo has been an avid reader and horse lover. When staying active that usually looks like playing soccer, hiking, running, camping, and generally exploring outdoors with her partner, friends, family, and most especially her dog!


Ryan Walton | Co-Founder, COO, Admissions

Working in various therapeutic environments for over ten years, Ryan demonstrates sincere dedication to actualizing potential in others, processes, and achieving goals. By identifying individual strengths and organizing effectively, Ryan effortlessly and excitedly executes what he knows to be possible, transforming positive foresight into a tangible future.

Though he holds himself unapologetically accountable to values of professionalism, Ryan's genuine kindness, compassion, and sincere belief in the ability to help others inspire his commitment to step up, fight for success, and cultivate lasting, healing change. He is always seeking improvement to better his and his team's ability to provide quantifiable, quality service and support to others.

Ryan can most often be found on the mountain, coaching lacrosse, or hanging out with his son and golden retriever.


Greg Burnam | Intensive Therapist

Greg starts off working hard to gain a fast connection with people.  People want to know that you care about them, and you understand.  Part of this process of therapeutic alliance involves finding where you can agree on the direction of treatment.  Therapeutic alliance is one of the highest correlated factors for treatment success that is backed by research.  It is easy to say and harder to achieve.  As that relationship is forming in those first couple of sessions Greg begins to find where he can challenge and invite perspective changes. When he enters the relationship with the skills perspective it allows for an opening.  The opening is that the individuals do not feel pressure from him to change.  Instead, they experience a hope that over time with lots of practice and a different mindset, things can get better.  


Erin Grover | Intensive Therapist

Erin holds a master's degree in social work with an emphasis in substance abuse from the University of Utah. Her clinical specialties include experiential modalities, DBT, CBT, systems theory, strengths-based approaches, and motivational interviewing. Erin completed a three-year certification in Somatic Experiencing (helping clients renegotiate trauma) and is a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP). Additionally, she is trained in Brainspotting level II.

Erin grew up on a horse farm and her love for the outdoors began with family horse-pack trips. Erin rides her two horses year-round. She also enjoys canyoneering, mountaineering, hiking, making primitive skills, building/construction projects, and being with family as much as possible.


Trevor Allen | Intensive Therapist

Trevor has a great appreciation for the role of the student and the parent. The process of change is difficult and requires the student to really get out of his or her comfort zone. Change takes a lot of courage. He's passionate about helping a student move from a shame-based view of self to learning to forgive and love themselves. He believes that once a student can love and forgive themself, this love and forgiveness starts to spread to parents and others in their lives. He loves to see a student move from being powerfully destructive at home to becoming powerfully constructive. Students typically come to us with misdirected power and often learn how to shift this power in a positive direction. These traits are present in the student with substance abuse issues, oppositional issues, anxiety, depression, etc.


Caitlin Galt | Intensive Therapist

As a therapist, Caitlin has been sought after for her direct, collaborative, and relational style. She combines psychological counseling skills through a multifaceted approach. Caitlin supports her clients in working through challenges stemming from anxiety, depression, family conflict, attachment issues, and difficulties that can arise with neurodivergent presentations. Caitlin’s approach guides clients to develop insight into their decision making and emotional growth.

She seeks to bring out the best in others while challenging them to try something new.

When not working, Caitlin enjoys spending time with her family, friends, and animals going on adventures, listening to live music, and playing in the mountains.



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