We are always seeking amazing opportunities to incorporate into your experience.

Therapeutic Services.

Experiential Outpatient Services

Contact us to see what is the best fit for you

We do NOT take insurance

Individual Sessions

Group Sessions

Equine Therapy

Experiential Therapy

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Any form of Experiential Therapy--such as recreational therapy, music therapy, art therapy, sand tray therapy--can be effective for kids because these methods provide a non-threatening and engaging way for children to express their thoughts and feelings. These therapies can help children to process and make sense of their experiences, and they can provide a safe space for children to explore their emotions and develop coping skills.

Experiential therapies can be particularly beneficial for kids because they allow children to communicate and process their experiences in a way that is developmentally appropriate and meaningful to them. Through creative and therapeutic outlets students are able to explore their feelings and express themselves as they find words to fit their experiences. Additionally, experiential therapies can be helpful for children because they provide an opportunity for the therapist to observe and understand the child's experiences and perspective. This allows for the quick development of a personalized treatment plan that plays to individual needs and strengths.

In foreground is a wooden trail sign with the word "Therapy" stenciled on top and a hand painted arrow directing the viewer right on the lower part of the sign; the background is of thick green brush.
A group of people who are blurry in the background; prominent in the middle of the picture are their hand placed on top of one another as though in preparation for a cheer.

Experiencing Nature.

Get back in touch

Tangible Experiences to Remember

We all need to just breathe at times

Interactive Well-Being Framework

Technology Free Fun

Use Your Brain & Hands

Take Care of the Environment

It is well known that research has shown significant and wide ranging benefits from a person spending time in nature. Aside from the obvious immediate positive impacts to a person's physical health and fitness, nature can also create an impact on:

  • Improved mental health: Nature can provide a sense of calm and relaxation, which can help reduce stress and anxiety.

  • Improved cognitive development: By providing a rich and stimulating environment from which to explore and learn, nature enhances our cognitive development and problem-solving skills.

  • Improved social skills: Often nature fosters opportunity to interact with others and can bring us together in very unique ways.

It is important to note that the Beings we encounter while in Nature have needs much like our own. While their cognitions are much different they have much to teach us. At Millcreek Experiential Wellness Center we utilize the Interactive Well-Being Framework as a way to approach intentionally working with animals. It supports and boosts the physical & mental health of the human being AND the animal being.

It is important to be aware of our impact on the surrounding natural ecosystems as well as the ecosystems we intentionally create with our animal friends.

Tight detailed shot of a dandelion.
Picture of a dandelion with some of pappus in the process of carrying off a seed head in the wind; the background is a blurry green and yellow.
Tight detailed shot of a dandelion.
Picture of a dandelion with some of pappus in the process of carrying off a seed head in the wind; the background is a blurry green and yellow.

Seasonal Activities.

Community Building

Single or Multiple Season Packages

Bring a Friend!

Spring-Planting & Renewal

Summer-Growth & Adventure

Fall-Gathering & Change

Winter-Rest & Connection

Within our cultures there used to be many festivities and rites of passage associated with not only the passing of time but often also connected with the cycles found in nature. For instance, the cycle of the seasons can be seen as a metaphor for the passage of time and the constant change that is part of life.

At Millcreek Experiential Wellness Center, we aim to highlight the aspects of each season that can build us individually and collectively. We hope to inspire new interactions and foster stepping outside of what might have been old habits that kept us isolated.

While everything on campus is not steeped in therapy, the metaphors will be undeniable as we reach back towards our roots and find connectedness in intentional ways.

Overall, the seasons of nature are a rich source of metaphors that can help us to understand and make sense of the world around us. Whether we are experiencing the new beginnings of spring, the abundance of summer, the changes of autumn, or the rest of winter, the seasons can provide us with valuable insights and lessons about life and the natural world.

Fall leaves of varying colors stacked on one another. Starting with a rust colored, moving to a lighter orange brown, then a yellow leave, with a vibrant dark green leaf on the far right.
A side-by-side collage of seasonal examples in nature. Starting with bright green grass, then the yellow blossoms on a tree, moving to the orange leaves of a deciduous tree, then far right is a picture of snow covered trees.
Fall leaves of varying colors stacked on one another. Starting with a rust colored, moving to a lighter orange brown, then a yellow leave, with a vibrant dark green leaf on the far right.



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4535 S 1500 E, Millcreek, UT 84117